Société Nouvelles
octobre 13, 2020
The employees of ECONO-PAK are our guarantee for your success and their welfare is particularly important to us as a family business. The extraordinary situation in which we find ourselves is an extreme challenge for [...]
octobre 8, 2020
With a recent order for the ice-cream market, ECONO-PAK can further expand its representation in this industry. For a traditional Spanish ice cream manufacturer a turn-key solution will be delivered in cooperation with a manufacturer [...]
octobre 4, 2018

Une grande foire est terminée ! Le FachPack fin septembre 2018 à Nuremberg a été un succès complet pour l’équipe et notre société ECONO-PAK. Le concept de stand moderne dans le hall 1 s’est une [...]
septembre 20, 2018

ECONO-PAK, une entreprise de construction mécanique basée à Rheinhessen, en Allemagne, soutient l’association Masifunde Education Promotion Association depuis plus de 10 ans. L’entreprise nationale et internationale sponsorise Masifunde lors de la course de bienfaisance annuelle [...]
septembre 20, 2018

Un concept de machine fiable et éprouvé convainc de nouveaux clients Nous comptons déjà parmi nos clients de nombreuses entreprises renommées de l’industrie des baies surgelées, non seulement en Allemagne, aussi dans le monde entier. [...]
septembre 18, 2018
ECONO-PAK GmbH has been successful as a specialist for the construction of packaging machines for more than 30 years. The continuously changing market with many individual demands on the machine builder motivates the company to [...]
août 31, 2018

For the first time the company run Rheinhessen took place on 09.08.2018, after end of work. Participants from many companies in Rheinhessen and their teams walked a 5 km route through the historic centre of [...]
août 2, 2018

Longtime employee leaves into well-deserved retirement 20 years ago, our employee Elfriede Waschke became an integral part and cherished « inventory » in our company. During her time at ECONO-PAK, Mrs. Waschke ensured order and cleanliness in [...]
juin 26, 2018
Joint project of MCA and ECONO-PAK for a French customer Together with our longtime partner MCA Process, based in Quimper / France, we have built the first high-performance Tray-erector, HFAI-S, with a capacity of 168 [...]
mai 28, 2018

The traditional Swiss company, which until today produces 100% exclusively in Switzerland, has placed an order for a top-load machine from ECONO-PAK for erecting trays for chocolate wafers. The machine is a turn-over-end carton erector, [...]